Writing Resources
- OWL:The Purdue Online Writing Lab has excellent advice for students who are writing academic essays. OWL also has example essays.
- Read Jack Lynch's advice for "Getting an A on an English Paper."
- The Modern Language Association's style guide is frequently used in humanities classes.
- De Anza College's library has a useful list of resources for citing sources.
Puncuation Resources
- The Purdue OWL: Grammar has explanations and exercises for grammatical concepts. This is a good website to use when proofreading.
- What is the difference between a comma, a semi-colon, and a colon? The visual communication guy has made a chart to explain in a creative way how puncuation marks differ from each other.
Grammar Resources
- The website Grammar Girl: Quick and Dirty Tips features articles and podcasts about grammar. The creator explains English grammar and gives fun examples. She also analyzes how native speakers actually speak compared to what the rule books say to do.
- Teachers who want their students to do their grammar homework online can sign up with NoRedInk, choose grammar assignments and then give their students access to them.
- Do you know English parts of speech? Play Grammar Gorillas and identify nouns, verbs, and more.
Writing-Pen&Paper by Laura Ritchie from Flickr