Reading and Listening

Reading and Listening Resources

Just Listening

  • Daniel Coffeen's Podcasts at Podomatic are challenging but engaging. The Rhetoric 10 lectures were recorded at UC Berkeley.
  • On This American Life, the host has a topic and asks different people to talk about their experiences.
  • On the show Stuff You Should Know, two hosts research and talk about a topic. I enjoyed their episodes on bail and knights. Watch the videos or listen to the podcast.
  • The New Yorker's Fiction Podcast features authors who read and talk about short stories by other authors. My personal favorites are "Signs and Symbols" by Vladimir Nabokov (spoiler: it's depressing) and "The Man of the World" by Frank O'Connor.

Just Reading

  • Books That Grow has classic short stories that have been simplified. Each story has several levels. You must sign up to access the stories.
  • ESL Garden has short lessons on American history and famous Americans. The creator, Dan Spalding, has written these texts with a strong focus on learning for social justice.
  • Newsela is a subscription based site that has leveled news articles.
  • Check out my personal reading list for ESL students

Blogs are another way to practice reading in English, and usually the writers include a lot of pictures. Pick a topic you enjoy, and subscribe to a blog or two. I like Smitten Kitchen, The Sartorialist, and the fascinating Humans of New York.

Couple Reading the News on a Sunny Afternoon
Couple Reading the News by Pedro Ribeiro Simões from Flickr